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Best Sailing Boat Blocks in 2023

Sailboat Mastbase blocks


In this blog we take a quick look at what is new and/or interesting in the sailing block world in 2023.

The Difference between Plain, Ball and Roller Bearings

Karver KB Blocks at mastbase

Deck blocks are evolving. Bearings are constantly improving, as manufacturers endeavour to minimize friction in different load cases.


Types of bearings

Apart from number of sheaves, blocks can also be categorised by their bearings.

Plain bearings: Although the name itself sounds quite vague, these are smooth, solid surfaces that
move across each other. The sheave rotates across the central hub. 

Sailing Blocks- Basic Glossary

Different types of sailing blocks have been designed to cover all types of sailing controls. But, do you know your Fiddle from your BecketThe following definitions, or in this case ablockssary, will help you understand basic block terminology.

We are constantly reporting on the latest innovations in the marine industry which offer weight savings whilst, at the same time, increasing safety factors. The result: lighter, faster, safer and more exciting sailing.

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