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Get Ready to Kedge - Anchoring For Race Yachts

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The practice of kedging has been used for hundreds of years as a method of manoeuvring or orienting a sailing vessel against tide and wind. A kedge anchor is typically smaller and lighter than the primary anchor, making it easier to handle. Modern cruising yachts continue to use kedge anchors for a variety of purposes including to provide additional holding power in strong wind or to maintain the alignment of the vessel in a narrow anchorage where there is not room to swing. In this blog we look at how racing boats use kedge anchors to hold fast in light wind and adverse current. 

The perfect ratio of anchor chain to anchor rope

Moored boat with anchor large-1
It’s long been the view of many cruisers that an all-chain anchor rode (the rope or line that connects the anchor to the boat) is superior to a rope rode. However, most racers would disagree, opting for as little chain as possible to save weight and maximise speed. The reality is, for most sailors the perfect ratio is somewhere in the middle.  

Rocna Anchor - Rock Solid Performance

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© Rocna Anchor


As a sailor, you know the importance of having a good anchor. With so many different anchors on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. 

How to Anchor Your Boat the Eco-Friendly Way

Boat Anchoring


Anchoring can be a necessary and efficient way to secure your boat in certain circumstances, but it can also damage the seabed if not done properly. There are eco-friendly ways to anchor your boat that will help preserve the seabed. By using these methods you can minimise the impact of anchoring on marine life and habitats.

Which is the right Lewmar boat anchor for me?

Delta anchor on bow


Lewmar has built an impressive range of anchors over the years. Their flagship anchor, the Delta, is the primary anchor used by numerous national lifeboat organisations worldwide. With such a wide range of anchors available and a choice of three materials, it can be tricky to know which anchor is best for your boat. This blog will discuss the most popular Lewmar anchors and how to choose the best anchor for your boat based on holding power and they types of sea beds you are likely to be mooring in.

How to set a boat anchor in 3 simple steps

Boat moored with anchor

Credit: Lewmar


So you are looking to stop off for a few hours to relax and enjoy your boat, maybe to bask in the sunshine or take a dip in the sea, or perhaps even for an overnight stay? It’s important to anchor your boat correctly, especially when you are not able to regularly check that you're not drifting in the night. There’s a big difference in dropping the hook for a lunchtime stop and anchoring for an overnight stay.

We are constantly reporting on the latest innovations in the marine industry which offer weight savings whilst, at the same time, increasing safety factors. The result: lighter, faster, safer and more exciting sailing.

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